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Nov 8, 2021
Published in the November issue of National Geographic
It is with great emotion that I announce that my photographs are in this month's issue of National Geographic! My photographic story on...

Apr 8, 2021
Received the CICFF Golden Fox Award for Capuchin Culture!
I have no words to describe the happiness I feel in receiving so many awards and accolades. I am truly grateful for the appreciation and...

Feb 16, 2021
The statuette of the London Independent Film Awards
Capuchin Culture is the best short documentary.

Oct 31, 2020
Capuchin Culture on the newspaper!
Today on Il Granchio, an article about Capuchin Culture, winner of the award for the Best Nature Short Film at the International Nature...

Oct 22, 2020
The trophy of the International Nature Film Festival
Really happy to get this prestigious award! Capuchin Culture is the Best Nature Short Film!

Oct 14, 2020
Capuchin Culture Winner Best South America Film at the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
Capuchin Culture is the Best Film about South America of the Wildlife Conservation Film Festival! I am really happy to receive this award...

Oct 3, 2020
Monkey culture at risk
A new scientific documentary about the latest findings of the EthoCebus Project: the culture of capuchin monkeys is threatened by the...

Sep 28, 2020
Special Mention at the Nature inFocus Film Awards!
Another distinguished recognition for Capuchin Culture! Special Mention at Nature inFocus Film Awards!

Sep 24, 2020
Capuchin Culture wins Audience Choice Popular Vote at the Ireland Wildlife Film Festival
Capuchin Culture has won the Audience Choice Popular Vote at the Ireland Wildlife Film Festival! I am really happy about this award and I...

Sep 13, 2020
Capuchin Culture - Best Nature Short Film at the International Nature Film Festival!
Fantastic news! Capuchin Culture is the best Nature Short Film of the International Nature Film Festival Gödöllő!...

Sep 10, 2020
Ireland Wildlife Film Festival Nominee - Cast your vote!
Capuchin Culture is going great! It has been nominated for the best of its category at the Ireland Wildlife Film Festival and it will be...

Sep 1, 2020
International Nature Film Festival Gödöllő Final
Great news! My films "Capuchin Culture" and "Wild Rome" are both finalists at the International Nature Film Festival and they will be...

Jul 26, 2020
Capuchin monkeys on Superquark
I am really happy to announce that capuchin monkeys, the primate species that I studied and filmed in Brazil, will be the protagonists of...

Apr 17, 2020
Watch Capuchin Culture at the digital edition of the International Wildlife Film Festival!
April 18, 2020 "Capuchin Culture" and many other amazing films from this year's selection will be free to stream for the week of the...

Apr 4, 2020
ON AIR - Saturday, April 4 at 17.00 - on La7
"Qualcosa si è rotto", the short documentary shot in Kenya that I contributed to make."Qualcosa si è rotto", the short documentary shot...

Feb 24, 2020
Capuchin Culture is a finalist at the International Wildlife Film Festival!
My documentary "Capuchin Culture", about the remarkable skills of the Brazilian capuchin monkeys, is a finalist at the prestigious...

Dec 22, 2019
Capuchin monkeys on Superquark+
It is an honour for me to have taken part in the new Superquark project, the successful Rai branded program now with a dedicated series...

Jun 15, 2017
Exhibit at the Natural History Museum of the University of Pisa
Photo exposed at the Natural History Museum of the University of Pisa for the Eto-Click photo contest exhibition.

Oct 18, 2016
Special thanks!
A photograph is the representation of a moment. A single moment. Metter of hundredths of a second. The time needed to apply a little...

Oct 13, 2016
My photo is the opening image of "Wild Planet", volume of the collection published by New Scientist!
Cracking this nut will take strength, skill and a grasp of physics – and the capuchin is equal to the task. The monkeys choose nuts that...

Jul 12, 2016
Photo published on Nature journal
Worn rocks may have been used by Brazilian bearded capuchin monkeys hundreds of years ago, marking the earliest evidence for stone-tool...

May 1, 2016
Published on Science Illustrated
Double-page spread for my photo of the "smashing" capuchin on Science Illustrated magazine.

Mar 6, 2016
Interview on Canale 5 for the television program L'Arca di Noè
Interview on capuchin monkeys for the programme L'Arca di Noè of TG5. Broadcasted on Sunday 6 March, 1.40 pm, on Canale 5. Watch the clip

Jan 23, 2016
Published on Focus magazine
Focus magazine published an article about my winning photo at the Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition.

Nov 26, 2015
Runner-up of the Behaviour Category at the Royal Society Publishing Photography Competition
See the Gallery Published also on BBC and National Geographic Italia

Oct 19, 2015
Photo published on the cover of the issue of the Royal Society Philosophical Transactions B
In Fazenda Boa Vista (Piauí, Brazil), wild bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) habitually use percussive tools. This alpha...

Sep 25, 2015
Capuchin monkeys at the Expo 2015, Milan
"Odori e sapori: un viaggio sensoriale attraverso i prodotti alimentari" Il 26 Settembre all'EXPO di Milano si parlerà di mele ed...

Aug 24, 2015
Photographic exhibit - 6th European Federation for Primatology Meeting
A photo report documenting a 90 day long experience spent observing a group of bearded capuchin monkeys (Sapajus libidinosus) at Fazenda...

Jul 30, 2015
Capannina Aperitiff presenta "90 days" - Mostra fotografica
90 days, il mio reportage fotografico realizzato nella foresta brasiliana, finalmente arriva a Lavinio, il posto dove sono cresciuto e...

May 18, 2015
Festival Pint of Science Italy - Tra ricerca e fotografia
Pint of Science porta alcuni dei più brillanti ricercatori al tuo bar per discutere le loro ultime ricerche e scoperte direttamente con te.

May 6, 2015
90 days in the forest of the monkeys
Photographic exhibition at Roma Tre University

Dec 16, 2014
90 days in the forest of the monkeys
Photographic exhibition at FNUR - Fotografi Naturalisti Università di Roma

Dec 15, 2014
Piero Angela presents "The Bearded Capuchin Monkeys of Fazenda Boa Vista"
Screening of the documentary "The Bearded Capuchin Monkeys of Fazenda Boa Vista" by Elisabetta Visalberghi and Alessandro Albani,...
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